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Yes, I still love Maine in the winter…

We had a winter storm pass through. We got 12″ of snow, then it turned to freezing rain and then rain. Truly a “wintry mix.” The snow is piled about 2/3 of the way up our garage at the edge of the...

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Concentration of Power

Ok, you can make the argument that this post is in response to seeing a headline that Rush Limbaugh is ordering his cult to cross the lines and vote for Hillary in Texas. Sheesh. Clearly, there was a...

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1000 True Fans, or, art patronage in the 21st century

I just came across this fascinating article called 1,000 True Fans. It is basically a manifesto on how, with web/Internet technologies, a creative person can make a sustainable living if they have just...

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A Seeker’s Question: Why do we continue to do things to ourselves that we KNOW are not good for us, that we know will harm us and bring no enduring benefit? A Shaman’s Answer: Because we are not yet...

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fukk da pope!

Can you believe this nonsense? The pope and George W hanging out like old buddies, with all the pomp and ceremony around it? And listen to what they’re saying: the pope was talking about the sexual...

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a numbers milestone: 100, 411, and 309.8

So what is 100 pounds? 200 rolls of toilet paper. 1 cubic foot of topsoil. 6 average car tires. 23 2-liter bottles of soda. 7 Edgars (my daughter’s poodle). 3,024 compact discs. 100 pounds is also the...

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I took a nice ride tonight on our scooter, about 60 miles round trip, down Route 35 (mostly) from New Gloucester to Hollis. It’s still chilly in Maine, it’s been going into the low 40s at night....

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Don’t you feel safe?

For the first time in history, a country has more than 1% of its adult population in prison. And that country, dear readers, is The United States, as reported by The Correctional News, a trade magazine...

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DNC = Does Not Compute?

“Now is not the time for small plans. Now is the time to finally meet our moral obligation.” –Barack Obama, 2008 Democratic Nomination Acceptance Speech I’ve been following the Obama story with great...

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The Tenacity of Hope

Before we eat dinner together, my family does a blessing each night. Much of the time, we hold hands, center ourselves, and say what we are thankful for in that moment. Tonight, I said I was thankful...

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As an experiment….

Here’s a thought experiment I’ve been bouncing around my head recently: Every time you hear a politican or journalist utter the word “create jobs,” automatically substitute “create slavery” in your...

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Yep, Linux is better….

Proof here, with commentary from Slashdot: From install time to GUI efficiency, Ubuntu beats Windows and is often twice as fast. Where Windows 7 is competitive, the difference is something the average...

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Compromise? Or Fundamental Change?

He’ll achieve these goals the same way he always has: by bringing us together and reminding us how much we share and how alike we really are. You see, Barack doesn’t care where you’re from or what your...

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Obama, 9/11, and US-Muslim relations

I haven’t been writing in this space much as of late. Part of this is because this blog has become largely political; my other writings (such as they are) have gone elsewhere, although the trend of me...

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Isn’t it interesting?

How that when it is widely believed that Ahmadinejad stole the election, there is mass protest, chaos in the streets, and hardcore police suppression. Yet, when it was widely believed that the Bu$hites...

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The Facebook machine

Apparently, this blog is now being “followed” on Facebook. Thanks to whoever set it up that way. :-) Obviously, I haven’t been posting here as much. I have, incidentally enough, been Facebooking...

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Avatar, Allegory, and Capital

I just got back from seeing the film Avatar. I enjoyed it greatly, it pretty much instantly propelled itself into one of my favorite films of all time. Visually, of course, it’s stunning, but I’d...

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Farewell Football

For a few years now, I have joked that my lingering interest in NFL football is one of the last vestiges of my middle-American upbringing. This might come as a surprise to readers of this blog who...

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Oh, the Sanctimonious Outrage!

I’m still on moveon.org’s mailing list, and I just got an intriguing email from them. Apparently, they are outraged that Visa is collecting their customary 3% fee for Haiti donations: … when Americans...

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WordPress migration

I’ve migrated this blog over to WordPress! It contains everything from both the old Blogger edition of JWL.Freakwitch.net, as well as my first blog at JWL.blogspot.com, all hosted locally. These old...

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